GoFresh Fruit Juice Concentrate

GoFresh Fruit Juice Concentrate Zambia


GoFresh Fruit Juice Concentrate Zambia


Made by Acacia Food and Beverages Ltd, GoFresh fruit juice concentrate is a well known Zambian fruit juice concentrate brand, and has been around since a very long time. Today GoFresh Fruit Juice Concentrate is available in 4 flavors, including Orange squash, Pineapple, Cocktail, and Peach squash.

Orange squash

GoFresh Fruit Juices orange flavor, has been one of the more popular flavors. Its has been loved and drank by many people, including children and grownups. One Aciacia food and beverages Ltd's official website, the orange flavors is said to have numerous benefits to human diet, including the richness of minerals such as Vitamin c and fibres, and additional benefits to the human digestive and immune systems.


GoFresh Fruit Juices pineapple flavor, has also been one of the more popular flavors. Pineapples is also said to have numerous benefits according to Acacia food and beverages ltd's official website, such as the natural heat fighting abilites of pineapples which help retain glowing skin, and the loaded nutrients found inside this juicy fruit.


Don't worry this is not an alcoholic flavor, instead of the usual mix of alcohols in a cocktail, this flavor contains a mix of fruit. After reviewing advertisments by Acacia food and beverages Ltd, we we can up with some fruit flavors which could be used in the making of this cocktail flavor, including strawberries, apples, grapes, bananas and oranges. The flavor is quite good when compared to other locally made fruit juice concentrates (names not to be mentioned), which helps keep Acacia food and beverages Ltd's good high quality reputaion.

Peach squash

As mentioned in the flavor name, this flavor tastes as though you've squash a fresh peach fruit into the bottle. This is quite a unique flavor and is either loved or hated depending on peoples tastes.


GoFresh Fruit Juice Concentrate Zambia

Product Info

Flavors: Orange squash, Pineapple, Cocktail, and Peach squash
Sizes: 1.5l

Business Info

Manufacturer: Acacia Food and Beverages Ltd
Location: Lusaka, Zambia
Address: Plot 8492 Lumumbashi Road

Phone: +260211286580 / +260211286583 / +260211286585
Email: sales@acaciafood.com
P.O.Box: 35879
GoFresh Fruit Juice Concentrate GoFresh Fruit Juice Concentrate Reviewed by SZ on December 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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